(Adj.) Inspiring Love or
(Noun) Activities Directed Toward
A Goal Or Effort
For Most People
Endearing Endeavors Exists To Help Others Achieve
better vision for better living!
Is An Accomplished Optometrist With Over 25 Years of Experience. He Is A Holistic Optometrist With An Approach To Vision Care Taking Into Account the Whole Person: Mind, Spirit & Body.
He Started 2 Private Optometry Practices Specializing in Vision & Light Therapies with 17 Years of Ownership. He Attained Board Certification in Vision & Light Therapies with Advanced Fellowship Training for Children & Adults.
He has Helped Thousands of People achieve
better vision for better living!
Is An Accomplished Optometrist With Over 25 Years of Experience. He Is A Holistic Optometrist With An Approach To Vision Care Takes Into Account the Whole Person: Mind, Spirit & Body.
Dr. Frank’s books, Vision For All Ages and Vision & Holistic Health, offer a refreshing take on eye health. I always appreciate when a specialized practitioner looks beyond just one organ or body system. By considering the whole body, you can achieve a higher level of health and make a lasting impact on your vision. Dr. Frank does not have “blinders” on and emphasizes that everyone is unique, with different needs, and even discusses how SMART goals, often used by health and wellness coaches, can make a big difference.
Some of the most fascinating topics for me were syntonics, color light acupuncture, and vision therapy. I was also shocked to learn just how much blood passes through our eyes every day. It’s a powerful reminder of how important it is to avoid foreign or toxic substances in our bloodstream to keep our eyes healthy.
I highly recommend reading these books, not just for your eye health but for your overall wellness. I know I want my eyes to be in the best shape possible so I can keep enjoying the hiking and nature landscapes that bring me so much joy. With that, I’m off to do some of the techniques suggested in the book—syntonic sunning, the 20/20 rule, and palming.
VISION and Holistic Health is a must read for those seeking knowledge about the benefits of vision therapy and how to live a well balanced life. Dr. Frank provides great insights into the importance of early vision exams for children for vision problems and the benefits for all of us to receive light vision therapy. These are truly some of the best health and healing modalities of the future.
I thoroughly enjoyed “VISION For All Ages!" It was refreshing to revisit optical anatomy and science in a way that was both easy to understand and engaging, even for someone outside the field. The way it breaks down the complexity of healthcare professionals, their tasks, and disciplines—often not well known to the common layperson—was particularly insightful. The vibrant colors, detailed images, and insightful information about vision therapy, along with the inspiring real-life stories, really stood out. Dr. Frank’s dedication shines through on every page. Vision is truly important to take care of. It is part of our holistic health and wellness. As a granddaughter of a blind grandparent, my memories of him wishing he could see me grow—only able to feel how tall I was each year—really put into perspective how imperative it is to protect this vital sense. After finishing this book, I’m even more inspired to learn about the broader world of vision care. I look forward to reading VISION & Holistic Health and the upcoming VISION For Kids. Highly recommended!
Independent Enagic Distributor, https://ndcouto.kangendemo.com
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