Endearing Endeavors LLC


$200 Off with Discount Code: “ENDEARING10"


ScreenFit is a revolutionary at-home eye training program designed to combat screen
fatigue and promote healthier eyes. The program is aimed at rehabilitating visual skills and
reducing symptoms caused by excessive screen usage.

This course takes about 6 to 12 weeks to complete the program, with daily lessons that take no more
than 15 minutes each to complete, making it easy to incorporate into any schedule.
After the program is completed, it may be repeated as needed to maintenance of skills developed.

The curriculum includes over 30 instructional videos, practical exercises, printable
resources, and expert guidance from neuro-optometrists. Participants have reported
benefits such as reduced stress and eye strain, improved concentration and reading
accuracy, and enhanced mental health.

Vision Therapy Introductory Course


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Vision Therapy Advanced Course


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